architecture .
It begins with an idea. Maybe a need more space for a growing family, maybe an opportunity to build the ideal ‘forever’ home or maybe it’s about re-thinking your business premises to change how your team works. As an architect my skill is in finding creative 3-dimensional solutions to complex challenges. Then, making that conceptual solution into reality. My clients projects vary from the tiny one-off garden building to new houses and even larger urban interventions.
As a Registered Architect I offer clients a full range of architectural services from initial site appraisal and concept design through planning application, building warrant approval, construction documentation, contract tendering onto administering the build phase.
I provide a detailed fee proposal based on my professional association’s standard form of appointment. Commissions may be on a partial or full service basis depending on client need and the nature of the project be it refurbishment, extension or new build. As the project architect I will normally lead the design team and coordinate the input of other specialist consultants such as engineers, cost consultant or landscape/garden designer - depending on the project need. I will also assist in the selection of a main contractor and specialist suppliers such as kitchen, bathroom, home automation, AV or security.
interior design .
Architecture is about creating an integrated whole where outside and inside work together in seamless harmony of function, light and form.
I can either work with to the client directly and include interior design within a larger architectural commission or work with a client's preferred designer. As with any co-consultancy appointment it works best when each member of the team has a clearly defined scope.
energy .
As a trained Passivhaus Designer and Domestic Energy Assessor (DEA) I consider energy use from the first initial design concept.
I can provide clients with a complete home energy assessment and fabric first low energy design service. I am in the process of becoming accredited to issue Environmental Performance Certificates for developers, landlords and homeowners.
DEA service usually includes an before and after assessment of a home in order to appraise how best to reduce energy use and demonstrate the potential energy saving. This is carried out using approved Elmhurst DesignSAP2012 software.
Passivhaus is a more detailed engineered design approach established in Germany in 1990. In due course I intend to add ablog to explain Passivhaus in more detail but for now here is a link to a 90 second introduction to the design standard.
technical .
Complimentary to my own design work I provide technical support to other architects. This ranges from energy assessments and consultancy through to full technical documentation for larger projects.
I also provide clients with a design management service to assist with the procurement and coordination of design teams for larger projects.